Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My 6 a day habit....

I have to admit, I'm a bit of an addict... I have a six a day habit... Six water bottles that is! Which is good for me, but not the environment... So as of this week, I'm doing this:

Filter For Good: Pledge to reduce bottled water waste.
And buying a water filter! I also got a coupon for 5 dollars off! YAY!

In other news...I can't remember Saturday, it's too far away, sorry. Sunday was a ten hour day... Same old breakfast, and then for lunch, a 6 inch roast beef on wheat bread, no cheese, just veggies, but I threw away half the bread (too much!) and half of the roast beef (started to taste yuck after a bit). For some reason (maybe because I only got three hours of sleep!) I was really still hungry after that. I had a teaspoon of pb and some blueberries...You know what? My brain is way too tired and stressed out to focus on this right now...Why don't I let the pictures do the talking and I'll come back...
Oh, there was saturday...:)

must've been sunday morning breakfast.
then blueberries at work, and the pear was from monday night. I don't remember much from monday either except getting on Kath's blog and making a grocery list. Tuesday was the night when we all get together at my house. Matt and I had little ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch (after a normal breakfast) and I made turkey/chicken meatballs for dinner. Paired those with some jarred spaghetti sauce and some whole wheat pasta and voila: dinner for five! After that, I don't know if I want to talk about it. I started to get hunger pangs, so I had two (small) scoops of lactose free ice cream, with a cut up banana and some sunflower seeds on top. About an hour later (out of boredom?????) I felt hungry again, and went for tons of bread and pb, then later for tortilla chips and salsa, and finally (when my craving for chocolate kicked in) I was eating pb from the jar!!!! It was horrible! I was craving carbs. I don't know if it was from a lack of sleep, or maybe the fact that it's the first time I've had white bread in three weeks. Whatever it was, it was horrible. On to today...Had a banana and a handful of nuts because I thought we were out of milk, then ended up eating another handful of nuts over some cheerios (ran out of granola...sigh)and milk. Later, snacked on a granola bar I made, then another banana and a handful of nuts at work. When I came home, I had a small pb&j sandwich, about five strawberries, and a piece of cheese (for my "lunch"). I spent an hour and a half grocery shopping before work, and an hour and a half after work at Wal-Mart getting random things. Got a great big pink storage bin (yay pink!) For some old blankets I found while cleaning out the closet in our guest room. Only had to do that because it was supposed to be getting carpet in it, and when the man came to put it down, he pulled up the stuff that had been on the floor, and the wood underneath was dry rotted! Ugh! So he had to replace the whole floor in the room, but now there is awesome carpet in there...the only room in the whole house with carpet! Also got a water filter today. I started this post on Monday, and never got a chance to sit down and finish it, so I have followed my pledge and bought a water filter pitcher and two water bottles
(one for me and one for Matt). Also got some new bowls with twisty-tops so I can take them in my lunch bag! YAY! Is it weird that I get excited about Tupperware and other misc. things for my house...Like rugs and sticky notes? Oh, and this grocery list thing I discovered??? It's a grocery list generator...If you have Mozilla Firefox, you can get it as an add on, and it's pretty great! You add things to the list, then each time you use it, you can put a quantity, and it prints right out! Also stores and prints recipes! Go to www.grocerylistgenerator.com to find out the details! Well..I have to go make dinner, cause the hubs will be home any minute! Post ya l8ter! (wow that was lame...have about [insert witty quip here]...much better)

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