Friday, July 16, 2010

Caramel whipped topping! YUM

Dinner was not that great yesterday...ok, wait, let me rewind. After work I came home for a bit, and then I went to the park...It was dark (it was 10pm) but there weren't really many people there, and that's the way I like it. I walked/ran FOUR miles!!! In a little over thirty minutes. That might seem slow for everyone else, but that's quick for me. I felt soooo good afterward! About dinner. It wasn't all that good. In fact for the first time in a long time, I threw away what was left of it instead of keeping it for leftovers. It was stuffed peppers, but something was weird with the peppers. The rice tasted funny too. I had dessert last night! It was a little piece (and i mean like a sliver) of chocolate cake with a caramel flavored whipped topping. It was delicious. Breakfast was the same it's been lately. Granola and cereal, with tons of strawberries (they were going bad) and sunflower seeds and dates. I have absolutely fallen in love with dates! I want to put up a recipe for my shrimp, spinach, and artichoke dip, but it's not exactly healthy. It's just something that my husband craves. I guess the only thing unhealthy about it is the sour cream and all the cheese. I bought a mini chicken this week. It's weird, because I usually buy frozen chicken breasts, but I decided that, since I already know how to cut a whole chicken apart,it would be cheaper and fresher for me to do that. Just takes a little bit of time and work. That is what I'll be doing when I get home from work tonight. Well, I'm going to the salon, and then I have to go to work. I'll be posting later!

ps: I have lost eight pounds in the past three weeks. YAY!! Ok, just had to say that!

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