Thursday, July 15, 2010

Late last night...

Yesterday in a nut shell: after breakfast, my lunch was a half of my coffee can salad, I had a piece of toast with pb and some granola on top, then dinner was green beans, salmon, and roasted sweet potatoes. I got a few pictures but nothing substantial. Please forgive the blurriness, it's a little digital cam I'm using so it auto focuses and if I move even a cm it goes out of focus! Having a hard time with it! was a usual mix of cereal and granola, however, I forgot to take pictures until I was literally gulping down the milk in the bottom of the bowl...oh well...if you've seen it once, you've seen it a thousand times! Packed some carrot sticks and cheese and another slice of bread with some mixed seeds to go on top (sunflower and pumpkin). I also made some granola bars, following Kath's recipe (I know I get a bunch of stuff from her, but that's because her and I seem to have similar tastes...). I used chopped dates, raisins, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, almond extract and vanilla in mine...but I used the same basic recipe. Well have to get ready for work. Glad I got out there and got my run out of the way, because now it's raining!!!!

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